Thrifty Dreams came about ( finally, but we’ll get back to that) from my love of travel and finding stylish stuff along the way, pleasuring my never ending passion for both fashion and history. Fashion and history go hand in hand. It’s not just a daily expression of self, but can be viewed as a reflection of the times.

Just seeing how fashion evolves and even repeats itself has always been fascinating to me. Specifically, vintage publications can be intriguing depictions of life as it was during different era’s as well as different lifestyles, fashion and cultures.
I get an immense amount of joy finding preloved vintage goodies, and continuing the life cycle of an otherwise forgotten piece of time. This site gives me a place to curate, chronicle and share my day to day findings and daily inspirations, while always recycling the love of carefully selected thrifty dreams because some things shouldn’t be forgotten.
Stay tuned,